Getting to zero new HIV transmissions through partnership working
On Tuesday 27 September over 150 people joined us to hear about the work of the Fast-Track Cities London HIV improvement community.
In 2020 we launched a HIV improvement community, which consists of 12 initiatives between 9 NHS hospital trusts and 22 voluntary and community organisations. The HIV improvement community is working towards the common ambition of ending new cases of HIV, preventing unnecessary deaths and ending HIV stigma and discrimination in London – Getting London to zero. The improvement community work as a learning network using Quality Improvement methodology, training and evaluation, to share their skills, information and experience.
There are many examples of improvement collaboratives across the NHS, but it is rare that these are so focused on third sector leadership in health and on tackling inequalities. We have taken the best of improvement science and applied this to our joint working with the voluntary sector to build London’s first whole city improvement community partnership.
Read the presentation from the showcase event on Tuesday 27 September.
Read more in detail about each of the projects here.
To find out more email Fast-Track Cities London at