Looking for GPs to champion HIV care in their area
The London Fast-Track Cities Initiative is a partnership of organisations, including the Mayor of London, NHS England, UKHSA, OHID and London Councils committed to working with partners across the city to reach the following goals by 2030:
- End new HIV infections in the capital.
- Put a stop to HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
- Stop preventable deaths from HIV-related causes.
- Work to improve the health, quality of life and well-being of people living with HIV across the capital.
Primary care plays a crucial part in the success of achieving these goals. We are looking for GPs working in London to become HIV GP Champions for their area.
The HIV GP Champion role offers an opportunity to improve care for people living with HIV by removing the historic barriers between services and offering an integrated approach to long-term health across primary care, secondary care, Local Authorities and voluntary sector organisations for people living with HIV.
The aim is to work collaboratively between all care settings for the patient as a whole person, reducing obstacles to access care and improving patient outcomes. This approach is consistent with and supportive of London’s overall HIV response, the Evolving HIV Care Report, the BHIVA Standards of Care, and the Fuller Stocktake on integrated primary care.
You can read the full role description here: Fast-Track Cities London HIV GP Champion role description.
What are the objectives for the HIV GP Champion role?
The following key objectives will serve as the pillars of the HIV GP Champion role. Additional objectives will be added by GPs in each geographical area, determined by the needs of the local population of people living with HIV.
- Improving clinical outcomes for people living with HIV:
- Engage in proactive and collaborative measures with local healthcare providers (practices, PCNs, Federations) to increase HIV testing, re-engage people with HIV not in care and improve long-term health outcomes for people living with HIV.
- Monitor and report on the increase of testing due to interventions.
- Primary care workforce education and tackling stigma:
- Deliver educational programmes for primary care teams regarding HIV testing, care and stigma.
- Track the integration of knowledge gained by primary care teams into their practice.
- Collect feedback from the sessions to showcase the effectiveness of the education provided.
- Develop a local network between primary and secondary HIV care providers:
- Engage and create a communication channel with local secondary care HIV services.
- Ensure the accuracy and clarity of referral pathways.
- Be an advocate for primary care within local secondary care teams to optimise care for people with HIV.
- Improve care coordination, especially for those ageing with HIV and/or with issues around complex comorbidity, polypharmacy, and frailty.
- Ensure visible integration and recognition locally:
- Establish a strong presence within the local healthcare landscape.
- Develop relationships with local voluntary and third sector HIV groups.
- Showcase your role through participation in local healthcare events.
What will be expected of me?
- To work proactively and collaboratively with your designated area Peer Colleague and HIV Clinician
- Organise and maintain a consistent check-in schedule with GP Project Manager (weekly initially):
- Provide updates on ongoing projects, tasks and potential challenges.
- Notify GP Project Manager in advance about planned leave and return dates.
- Notify GP Project Manager in advance of any project requirements and support needs or any potential risk factors.
- Prioritise tasks and assignments to meet established deadlines and expectations, and timely response to emails.
- Active participation in monthly check-ins with HIV GP champion team:
- These may be more frequent initially but should be at least monthly.
- Engage in collaborative problem-solving and decision-making during these meetings and subsequent steering groups.
- The role is mainly remote working but may be required to attend meetings at sites across London. Depending on your projects, these may also require you to attend in person, but they are likely to be in your locality.
What will I be working on?
This role offers a dynamic framework that accommodates both local needs but also personal interest. In addition to the core objectives, here are examples of the range of possibilities inherent in this role:
- Community outreach enhancement by developing outreach programmes tailored to specific demographics within the community e.g., homeless or migrant populations.
- Enhancement of local data collection in collaboration with Data Teams at UKHSA.
- Development of community-based clinic with secondary care support (e.g., PrEP clinics).
Who will I work with?
- Local HIV secondary care teams
- Local peer and community teams and voluntary sector organisations
- Fast-Track Cities London team
- Other London GP HIV Champions
- Public Health Teams
- GP Federations
- Integrated Sexual Health Services
- Medicines and Long-Term Conditions Commissioning Teams
- HIV and Sexual Health voluntary sector services
- Practice and community nurses
- Pharmacists and other community and allied health care professionals
How to apply for a HIV GP Champion role?
Please send in your CV and a statement of no more than 500 words by the 15th of November, briefly outlining:
- Your motivation for applying.
- Your vision of how primary care can integrate with existing HIV services to improve outcomes for people living with HIV.
- Any existing experience working with blood borne viruses.
- Experience of leading change in primary care.
Send any queries and your application to the GP Project Officer Chido Chiwome at chido.chiwome@nhs.net.