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Zero HIV Stigma Day: tackling stigma to break down barriers

21 July marks Zero HIV Stigma Day – raising awareness of the stigma often experienced by people living with and affected by HIV.

Working together to get London to zero HIV stigma is one of our four key pillars. Not only is stigma a challenge for people living with HIV – it can also be a barrier to people becoming more informed and aware of HIV, getting tested or seeking treatment and support when they need it.

Back in 2019, the London Leadership Group set up a stigma working group to identify ways that we could address the stigma challenge. The group highlighted three key areas of focus: internalised (or self) stigma; stigma in the NHS and other public services; and stigma in society. We also worked with the National AIDS Trust and Britian Thinks to develop a public knowledge and attitudes survey, published in July 2021 to help us better understand the journey ahead in achieving zero stigma.

Throughout July, we’ll be sharing some thoughts and experiences on stigma from members of the HIV community in London, as well as health and care professionals in the field. Keep an eye out on our social channels for more!







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