Getting to Zero collaborative

A new Fast-Track Cities HIV improvement community working towards the 2030 ambitions.

London’s new ‘Getting to zero’ collaborative

We have launched a new collaborative, which consists of partnerships between the voluntary sector and NHS, to deliver eight new initiatives across London in line with the strategic aims of the Fast-Track Cities London programme and the national HIV Action Plan.

The ‘Getting to zero’ collaborative is a key part of the Fast-Track Cities London work plan for 2023-26.

The collaborative aims to embed peer support in every clinic in London and improve quality of life and keep people in treatment by offering wraparound advice and support services, which so often are the key factor in keeping people healthy.

The ‘Getting to Zero’ collaborative will replicate our previous approach of building an improvement community using quality improvement methodology with the various organisations working in the HIV sector.

We put out a grant programme in October 2023 and 24 bids were received and judged by an independent panel of experts. £800K of funding has been awarded to 11 charities will work across eight initiatives along with HIV clinics in London.

We will also be running an independent evaluation of the process, to build a strong case that this new model of peer support in clinics alongside wraparound advice and support, keeps people in care, on treatment and improves their quality of life.

The eight initiatives that will form the collaborative are:

Bidders to join the collaborative had to show:

  1. Initiatives are led by the voluntary sector and will work in partnership with other voluntary sector providers, NHS organisation(s) and local authorities where possible/suitable to deliver the proposed initiative(s).
  2. Demonstrate how their proposal will deliver on the aims set out above.
  3. Employ a quality improvement and evaluation methodology into the operational running of each of the initiative(s). Organisations will be required to attend 6 x 2 hour quality improvement sessions throughout the 18 months.
  4. Demonstrate that they have worked with an external evaluation partner; Organisations will be required to participate in the evaluation exercise conducted by a third party and supply all relevant data throughout the 18 months.
  5. Demonstrate that they have the capacity, competency and capability to deliver an agile initiative(s) across the 18 month period and demonstrable capabilities to work in effective partnerships and maximise opportunities to scale-up to deliver more widely.
  6. Demonstrate through a flexible project plan how their partnership and initiative(s) will tackle health inequalities and reach underserved communities, and that people living with HIV are at the heart of their initiative, co-designing and delivering culturally competent work where applicable.
  7. Take into account the recommendations from the independent research into the sustainability of the VCSO sector.

The 2020-2023 HIV improvement community

You can read the case studies of the previous HIV improvement community in our highlight report here.

You can read a case study about the improvement community approach to tackling city wide challenges here.

If you would like any further information then please email us at rf-tr.londonftci@nhs.net

Case studies

Read the case studies for the eight initiatives of the collaborative:

  1. Psychological support including counselling, hypnotherapy and coaching: Improving mental health support for people living with HIV through connect well
  2. Welfare benefits advice: Welfare benefits advice programme
  3. Housing and benefits advice: Income & housing advice programme
  4. Re-engagement in care, chemsex support, nutritional advice, support for women and African communities: Re-engagement in HIV care project
  5. Course for people who are newly diagnosed or having difficulty adjusting to their diagnosis: Learning to live well with HIV
  6. In-clinic peer support in South London: In-clinic peer support for HIV clinics in South West and South East London
  7. In-clinic peer support in East London: In-clinic peer support for HIV clinics in North East London
  8. In clinic peer support in North and West London:  In-clinic peer support for HIV clinics at Chelwest and North Middlesex hospitals
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