Home - News & views - UK & Ireland annual unconference Bristol 2025

UK & Ireland annual unconference Bristol 2025

UK and Ireland annual meeting


The Fast-Track Cities UK & Ireland Network have accomplished a great deal in the fight against HIV, yet there is still much to be done.

Funding sources are becoming increasingly scarce, while those in need of support are often the most vulnerable. It is time to draw on the lessons of the past and present, and to harness our collective intelligence to shape a future we can aspire to together.

This year our annual meeting will be reflecting on our progress, addressing today’s challenges, and creating a bold vision for the future of our network and the Getting to Zero HIV ambitions we share.

We have chosen an unconference format this year for our annual meeting because it puts participants at the heart of the agenda. Together, we will lead discussions, share knowledge, and develop solutions to the challenges we face.

This event is designed to empower the network to take ownership of key discussions and foster collective learning and action.

Keep up to date with our network by signing up to our monthly newsletter. We will publish a findings report after the event and happily share this with all of our Fast-Track Cities colleagues from around the world.

Email to find out more at rf-tr.londonftci@nhs.net.

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