Patient support and retention

Keeping more people engaged in their HIV care and improving their quality of life

Led by Positive East a charity that provides HIV support and prevention  and testing services across East London. The project involves BHRUT (outpatients East), Barts NHS Trust and Homerton University Hospital.

There are many reasons why someone falls out of touch with the service providing their HIV care. When it happens their wellbeing suffers, they can become seriously ill or die and risk of onward HIV transmission increases. We work with clinicians and patients of five HIV clinics in north east and east London to keep patients engaged in their care and ensure they get psychosocial support if they need it.


Our team is led by people who are living with HIV. We work with clinicians and patients of five HIV clinics in north east and east London to keep patients engaged in their care and ensure they get psychosocial support if they need it.

The support we offer helps keep people engaged in their HIV care. If we didn’t exist there would more people disconnecting with the service, they would be missing out on psychosocial support and experiencing difficulties with their health and wellbeing.

To find out more, visit our webiste: