UK and Ireland Fast-Track Cities


We want Scotland to be a country where everyone has equal opportunities to healthy choices and relationships, and achieves zero new HIV transmissions by 2030.

In Scotland Fast-Track Cities work is coordinated by Waverley Care, Scotland’s leading HIV and hepatitis C charity.

Currently, five cities have signed the Paris Declaration – Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Across these cities, there are stakeholders from the NHS, Health and Social Care, Local Authorities, and third sector organisations. Representatives from across these sectors come together at local meetings, developing work streams and delivery plans.

Accompanying local meetings, cities also nominate up to four representatives to attend National Consortium meetings. These take place quarterly and bring together representatives from the local meetings across Scotland to discuss updates, opportunities to work together and share resources, and to discuss challenges.

Alongside these meetings, people living with HIV offer input and insight into Fast-Track and wider policy work in Scotland, via a national Community Panel. More information about the panel can be found here.

We know HIV is not an issue exclusive to cities. 17% of Scotland’s population live in rural areas, and a much greater percentage live in urban or semi-urban areas out with the five cities. In Fast-Track Scotland, we encourage communities outside of the five cities to also be involved in this work. This can be through joining up with a nearby signatory city, attending national meetings, becoming a rural or urban Scotland representative, or learning from and sharing resources.

If you have any questions, or would like further information, please get in touch with Gabrielle, on